Things To Know Before Travelling to MOROCCO

So, you've got finally chosen Morocco as your next travel destination. However, do you know something about the country or are you one of those people who are only familiar with the country’s name and no more than that? Well, if you consider yourself in the latter category, then here are some things you need to know and things that you are probably curious about. So, here they are.

ATM use and foreign transaction fee

ATM use and foreign transaction fee
In case you run out of money during your travel, then there is no need for you to worry much since ATMs exist in Morocco. However, you need to be aware of the fact that the ATM would dispense money in Dirham and a foreign transaction fee may be charged to you but it would still depend on your credit card your bank. So, you need to ask your bank about it before your flight. It is also very important for you to call them if you want your debit card to work in Morocco. On the other hand, while large stores accept ATM cards, smaller stores may ask you to pay them in cash, so make sure that you bring a sufficient amount of it with you. 


Holidays MOROCCO
As you would be going to a Muslim country, then there is a need for you to be knowledgeable about the holidays that they are spending. As much as possible, schedule a flight or stay in the country that does not fall within the holidays. Otherwise, you may not be able to enjoy your stay for most stores and tourist attractions are closed during holidays and that includes Fridays since they consider it as their holy day.

Proper clothing 

Proper clothing
If you are a Westerner, then for sure, you are fond of wearing shorts and crank tank tops, especially when the weather is hot and as we know, the weather in Morocco is typically hot. However, despite the hot weather, you should wear modest clothing because about 99% of the population in the country are Muslim. Also, believe it or not, the clothes that you wear may also affect the kind of experience you would be getting in the country as it may affect how the locals would treat you. So, before traveling there, prepare clothes that aren't too revealing or a minimum of, does not reveal the thighs and shoulders. On the other hand, if you don’t have such clothing, then you can also buy clothes at the local store and it would also be a great souvenir for your trip as well.

Paying the cab fee 

Paying the cab fee
As you as traveling in Morocco, the foremost common mode of transportation there are riding the cab. However, you need to know that typically, the Moroccan cab drivers don’t have a chance. So, you need to bring some coins as a way of ensuring that you would only be paying for the right amount of money for transport. Typically, the cost of traveling within the city is 30 dirham but you can bargain for the price with the cab driver. On the other hand, although you need to bring change with you, you need to spend all of it before you return to your country for it would be quite difficult for you to change it back,

Eating manners 

If you would be dining in with a Moroccan, then you need to be mindful of the hand that you are using to eat the food. It is a big NO for you to use your left hand while eating. Using more than your thumb, index finger and your middle finger is a sign of gluttony. You can only use your left hand for passing the dishes to other people and for picking up bread. It is also important for you to clean your hands before you eat using other orange or rose-scented water. Also, if a Moroccan local has offered you food, you should not refuse.


For you to avoid being ill while you are traveling in Morocco, it would be best for you to bring bottled water. Also, as much as possible, avoid using ice whenever you eat outside. Of course, it is also essential for you to wash your hands with soap and water often. After all, it's always better to be safe than sorry and for sure, you don’t want to spend the rest of your vacation in bed, right?


Do you consider yourself a cat lover? If you do, then you would surely love Morocco. After all, cats are everywhere and you can often find them on the streets. On the other hand, if you are allergic to cats, then you need to make sure that you bring your allergy medicine with you.


Since you would be traveling to a country where most of the locals are Muslim, then you can expect that there would be Mosques all around the country but in most of them, non-Muslims are not allowed to enter. So, if you wish to enter one, then you might need to have the God of Luck on your side. On the other hand, there is also a Mosque in Casablanca called the Hassan II Mosque where tourists like you are allowed to take a photo from the outside. So, make sure that you bring a camera with you.

Drinking and partying

Drinking and partying
Although we have mentioned a couple of times already that Morocco is a Muslim country and they are quite strict when it comes to drinking and partying, it would still not be that difficult for you to get alcohol at the bars in the country. In fact, in larger cities including Marrakech and Casablanca, it is very much possible for you to find nightclubs and bars where you can drink and party even until midnight. On the other hand, you can also consider participating in the so-called Aissawa. It is a sacred party in a musical form with the focus on elevating the spirit.

Women travelers

Women travelers

For the traditional Muslims in Moroccan, it is not ideal for a woman to be traveling alone. Women should also not be seen after dark alone. So, for them, it is quite difficult to understand why foreign tourists would be doing this. If you are a woman who came from a foreign country and you wander on the streets after dark, they might find you suspicious. So, it would be best for you to bring some friends with you.

Using your camera 

Using your camera
For sure, you would want to take a photo of every place that you have been in Morocco as a remembrance and something that you can share with your friends once you go back. However, you need to ask first on whether it is allowed to take a photo of the place first or not. Otherwise, you may end up paying for the photo that you have taken.

Filming locations 

Things You Need To Know Before Travelling to MOROCCO
Do you know some movies were shot in Morocco? Perhaps, you have even seen some of them. For example, have you seen the film entitled, “The man who knew too much”? If you have, then the world-class luxury hotel that was featured there was the La Mamounia Hotel here in Morocco. On the other hand, while the film “Sex and the City 2” was set in Abu Dhabi, most of the scenes of the film were shot in Rabat and Erfoud, two of Morocco’s wonderful cities. So, you might as well check them out while you are in the country, take some photos and share the experience with your friends.

Toilet paper

Toilet paper
Perhaps, in your country, you got used to not bringing a toilet paper with you for the reason that the bathrooms in your country always have them but you cannot expect that every bathroom in Morocco would have a toilet paper. So, no matter where you go, make sure that you have it with you. You should also bring sanitizer as well. In addition to that, in case you would be using a public restroom with an attendant, you should ask the attendant first on how much the use of the restroom would cost if you don’t want to be surprised later on when they ask you to pay for it later on.

By being equipped with knowledge on all of these things, you can be assured that you would have the best travel experience of your life in Morocco.